T ypography is one of the most important aspects in your design. There are several classifications of typefaces which include: OLD STYLE: is wide and round, with pointed serifs that make a nice contrast between the heavy and light strokes. Garramond is an example of this typeface. MODERN: are distinguished by extreme contrast in thic and thin strokes, whith thin, squared-off serifs. Bondoni, Times Roman are examples of this typeface. SQUARE SERIF: has square or blocked serifs and mor or less uniform storkes, the face is even in texture and weight with little contrast. Lubalin Graph is an example SANS SERIF: has no serifs, and the face is generrally even in overall weight with very little contrast between thick and thin strokes. Helvetica is an example SCRIPT: there are no serifs or large contrast between thick and thin strokes. Zapf Chancery is an example TEXT LETTERS: resemble hand drawn letters of early scribes. old english is an example DECORATIVE TYPE: does not fi...
Design: digital: canvas; paper